Feb 3, 2022
"MAY I?" is a modern-traditional love song by songwriter-parodist Loose Bruce Kerr with the feel of a 1930's style. The song has both 4/4 time signature sections and a 3/4 (waltz) section.
Loose Bruce Kerr lives in northern California with his wife and 2 cats. He is from Waukesha, Wisconsin (home to Les Paul who invented the electric guitar and multi-track recording). Bruce uses multi-track (32 tracks, these days) to record his vocals and instruments (many synthesized, e.g., french horns, cellos) one at a time.
He interrupted his legal career in 1973 to take 20 years off to write, record, and perform his songs, including on the road as a solo, duo (with Waukesha's Steve Hoeft) and full rock band ("Spud City" with Steve, Tyke Van Eyke and Mickey Marien) in New England in the late 1970's. As a solo, Bruce opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic and his parodies have been heard on the Dr. Demento Show over 140 times.
In 1993, Bruce resumed his legal career, ending up Assistant General Counsel at Sun Microsystems and later working for Oracle. Retired, now, he continues to write & record his songs in his garage studio and uploads video performances to youtube and his podcast loosebrucekerr.com.
His 5-part a cappella Christmas love song, "Christmas Is You" is being published, and distributed by Hal Leonard, starting holidays 2022 for college and high school choral groups.
email Bruce at: BKerrLaw@aol.com